Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations
The 16th annual Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations in Foreign Languages is taking place today, 12 November 2024, at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. ... more
The name of the article : Comprehensive Evaluation of the Properties of Ultrafine to Nanocrystalline Grade 2 Titanium Wires
List of autors : PALÁN Jan; DUCHEK Michal; DŽUGAN Jan; NACHÁZEL Jan; PROCHÁZKA Radek; HORVÁTH Klaudia; MÁTHIS Kristián; MINÁRIK Peter; NÉMETH Gergely
The name of the periodical : Materials
The 16th annual Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations in Foreign Languages is taking place today, 12 November 2024, at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. ... more
COMTES FHT is involved in the international research project MOWSES (Multi-Faceted Assessment and Optimization of Welded Structural Green Steel Plates for Use in European Sustainable Infrastructure) within the Horizon Europe programme. ... more