Strain Hardening in an AZ31 Alloy Submitted to Rotary Swaging

Experimental and computational analysis of additively manufactured tensile specimens, Assessment of localized-cooling rate and ductile fracture using the Gurson¬-Tvergaard-Needleman damage model

Comparison of Industrial Quenching Oils

Studying the Thermally Activated Processes Operating during Deformation of hcp and bcc Mg–Li Metal-Matrix Composites

Determining Forming Limit Diagrams Using Sub-Sized Specimen Geometry and Comparing FLD Evaluation Methods

Effects of Silicon, Chromium, and Copper on Kinetic Parameters of Precipitation during Tempering of Medium Carbon Steels

Microstructural Observations of AM Deposited 15-5PH - Stellite Sample

Fracture Prediction Based on Evaluation of Initial Porosity Induced By Direct Energy Deposition

Damage tolerant design of additively manufactured metallic components sub- jected to cyclic loading: State of the art and challenges Damage tolerant design of additively manufactured metallic components subjected to cyclic loading: State of the art and challenges

Structural integrity and mechanical properties of the functionally graded material based on 316L/IN718 processed by DED technology

Copper-Induced Strengthening in 0.2 C Bainite Steel

Development of Universal Mould Geometry for the Teeming of Cylindrical Iron-Base Alloy Ingots

Mechanical properties after thermomechanical processing of cryogenic high-strength materials for magnet application

A comprehensive description of reactions between nickel and aluminum powders during reactive sintering

Base Plate Preheating Effect on Microstructure of 316L Stainless Steel Single Track Deposition by Directed Energy Deposition

Fracture toughness examination of dual-phase and interstitial free steel using essential work of fracture method

Effect of 1.5 wt% Copper Addition and Various Contents of Silicon on Mechanical Properties of 1.7102 Medium Carbon Steel

Low cycle fatigue properties assessment for rotor steels with the use of miniaturized specimens

Fracture locus characteristics of Al alloy 5083 processed by equal channel angular pressing using miniaturized specimens

Fatigue properties of UFG Ti grade 2 dental implant vs. conventionally tested smooth specimens

Accumulative roll-bonding of aluminium sheets at room and cryogenic temperatures

Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations

Nov 12, 2024

The 16th annual Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations in Foreign Languages is taking place today, 12 November 2024, at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. ... more

International project MOWSES

Nov 5, 2024

COMTES FHT is involved in the international research project MOWSES (Multi-Faceted Assessment and Optimization of Welded Structural Green Steel Plates for Use in European Sustainable Infrastructure) within the Horizon Europe programme. ... more