Prediction of the behaviour of the thin-walled additively manufactured structure by Directed Energy Deposition: An engineering approach to determine material parameters

Achieving high strength and low elastic modulus in interstitial biomedical Ti–Nb–Zr–O alloys through compositional optimization

Additive Manufacturing of Honeycomb Lattice Structure—From Theoretical Models to Polymer and Metal Products

Heat Source Modeling and Residual Stress Analysis for Metal Directed Energy Deposition Additive Manufacturing

Effect of deposit thickness on microstructure and mechanical properties at ambient and elevated temperatures for Inconel 718 superalloy fabricated by directed energy deposition

A New Alloying Concept for Low-Density Steels

Extended Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) Diagrams Determination for Additive Manufacturing Deposited Steels

Fracture characterisation of vertically build functionally graded 316L stainless steel with Inconel 718 deposited by directed energy deposition process

Stress Relaxation Tests: Modeling Issues and Applications in Magnesium Alloys and Composites


Investigation of short-term creep properties of a coarse-grained Inconel 718 fabricated by directed energy deposition compared to traditional Inconel 718

Elevated Temperature Baseplate Effect on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Thermal Stress Evaluation by Numerical Simulation for Austenite Stainless Steel 316L Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition

Original The influence of severe plastic deformation on the thermal expansion of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V alloy

Damage Evolution Simulations via a Coupled Crystal Plasticity and Cohesive Zone Model for Additively Manufactured Austenitic SS 316L DED Components

The Use of Miniature Specimens to Determine Local Properties and Fracture Behavior of LPBF-Processed Inconel 718 in as-Deposited and Post-Treated States

The influence of laser power on the interfaces of functionally graded materials fabricated by powder-based directed energy deposition

Influence of the thermal history on the phase composition of laser directed energy deposited Ti-8.5 wt% Mo alloy

The effects of post-processing on the local fracture toughness properties of electron beam powder bed fusion Ti-6Al-4V alloy

Effect of laser power on thermal properties of multimaterial structure Inconel 718 and stainless steel 316L processed by directed energy deposition

Boron influence on the development of Laves phase in 10Cr creep resistant steel

Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations

Nov 12, 2024

The 16th annual Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations in Foreign Languages is taking place today, 12 November 2024, at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. ... more

International project MOWSES

Nov 5, 2024

COMTES FHT is involved in the international research project MOWSES (Multi-Faceted Assessment and Optimization of Welded Structural Green Steel Plates for Use in European Sustainable Infrastructure) within the Horizon Europe programme. ... more