Project name:

Scholarly Education and Popularization of Research and Development in Mechanical Engineering

Project acronym:


Project number:


Start Date:

1. 6. 2014

End Date:

30. 6. 2015


CZK 16,067,735.44

OP VK website:

Project summary:

The REGIOPOPULÁR project focuses on popularizing the research and development (R&D) results in mechanical engineering, a sector which generates one third of the GDP of the Czech Republic and forms the basis of the competitiveness of the Czech economy. It also aims to encourage interest in technical disciplines at secondary schools and at institutions of higher education in order to provide qualified labour force for the sector and its research and development. It is oriented towards primary school pupils, students of secondary schools, colleges and institutions of higher education, as well as academics and researchers at institutions of higher education and research institutes in four Czech regions (Pilsen, Karlovy Vary, South Bohemia and Central Bohemia). The project was prepared by a 9-member consortium led by the research organisation COMTES FHT, which included schools of three stages of education (primary, secondary and higher education institutions). Over 13 months, it should provide twenty different popularization formats in six key activities (A type and both activities of B type) for this broad target group. A total of 1210 persons, one half of whom should comprise secondary school students, should receive support. The project is in synergy with two currently running projects funded from the Research and Development for Innovations Operational Programme, and follows on from projects under the Education for Competitiveness Operational Programme under calls no. 44 and 35.

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