The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) supports research projects in the field of coal and steel, covering production processes, applications, resource utilisation and conversion, occupational safety, environmental protection, CO2 reduction in steel production and coal utilisation. The projects have received research funding from the EU. RFCS website: ec.europa.eu






effiTUBE - Energy Efficient Thermomechanical Treatment of Tubular Components Made of UHSS with Tailored Properties and Complex Shape

Project realized under the grant agreement No 101157943.




Chemnitz University Chemnitz (GER)
DeltaSigma (GER)
Forsteel (CZ)
Rovalma (ESP)
Salzgitter Hydroforming Verwaltungs GmbH (GER)
Magneti Marelli (IT)

Lenght of project:                                                          

07/2024 – 12/2027


2 513 231.55 EUR

Project summary:

The project is focused on the development of innovative hollow, complex shaped thin-walled components made of UHSS and AHSS with tailored properties. Hot metal gas forming with integrated Q-P process is used to achieve high strength (up to 2,000 MPa) and ductility (over 10%). Segmented resonant heating within the tool will result in a uniform temperature distribution, time shortening and temperature reduction. The cooling in tool will be modified by 3D-printed inserts with different conductivity. Optimized joints will be developed for Q-P final components. This interaction of various technological approaches will lead to energy saving and improvement of industrial efficiency. 


Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations

Nov 12, 2024

The 16th annual Conference of Student Trade Union Presentations in Foreign Languages is taking place today, 12 November 2024, at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. ... more

International project MOWSES

Nov 5, 2024

COMTES FHT is involved in the international research project MOWSES (Multi-Faceted Assessment and Optimization of Welded Structural Green Steel Plates for Use in European Sustainable Infrastructure) within the Horizon Europe programme. ... more